Publication ZA depuis 2005

Publié le par sylvie houte

Relevant de la « Zone Atelier », 2005-2008

1. Revues à comité de lecture
1. INCHAUSTI, P. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2005. Predicting short-term extinction risk for the declining little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) in agricultural habitats. Biological Conservation 122: 375-384.
2. VALKAMA, J., KORPIMÄKI, E., ARROYO, B., BRETAGNOLLE, V., BRO, E., REDPATH, S., MANOSA, S., THIRGOOD, S. AND VINUELA, J. 2005. Birds of prey as limiting factors of gamebird populations in Europe: a review. Biological Review 80 : 171-203.
3. BRETAGNOLLE, V. & INCHAUSTI, P. 2005. Modelling population reinforcement at a large spatial scale as a conservation strategy for the declining little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) populations in agricultural habitats. Animal Conservation 8: 59-68.
4. MILLON, A. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2005. Non-linear and population-specific offspring sex ratios in relation to high variation in prey abundance. Oikos 108: 535-543.
5. HOOPER D.U., CHAPIN F.S., EWEL J.J., HECTOR A., INCHAUSTI P. Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning: a consensus of current knowledge and needs for future research. Ecological Monographs. 2005, 75, 3-35
6. MOUGEOT F, ARROYO BE & BRETAGNOLLE V. 2006. Behavioural responses to first-year and adult male territorial intrusions during the fertile period in a courtship feeding raptor. Animal Behaviour 71: 101-108.
7. DE CORNULLIER, T. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2006. Assessing the influence of environmental heterogeneity on patterns of nest spacing: a case study with two raptors. Ecography 29: 240-250.
8. BAVOUX, C., BURNELEAU, G. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2006. Sexing European marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus using morphometrics and discriminant analyses. J. Rapt. Res. 40: 57-64.
9. LAMBIN, X ., BRETAGNOLLE, V. and YOCCOZ, N.G. 2006. Vole population cycles in northern and southern Europe: is there a need for different explanations for single pattern? J. Anim. Ecol. 75: 340-349.
10. HARDOUIN, L., TABEL, P. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2006. Neighbour-stranger recognition in little owl Athene noctua. Animal Behaviour 72: 105-112.
11. JIGUET, F. and BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2006. Manipulating lek size and composition using decoys: an experimental investigation of lek evolution models. American Naturalist 168: 758-768.
12. ARROYO, B.E., BRETAGNOLLE, V. & LEROUX, A.B.A. 2007. Interactive effects of food and age on breeding in the Montagu's Harrier. Ibis 149: 806-813.
13. HARDOUIN, L., REBY, D., BAVOUX, C., BURNELEAU, G. AND BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2007. Male scops owls Otus scops respond to condition-related frequency variation in intruders' hoots. American Naturalist 169: 552-562.
14. GAUFFRE, B., GALAN, M., BRETAGNOLLE, V. & COSSON, J.-F. 2007. Polymorphic microsatellite loci and PCR multiplexing in the common vole, Microtus arvalis. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 830-832
15. MEISS, H.; MUNIER-JOLAIN, N.; HENRIOT, F. & CANEILL, J. 2008. Effects of biomass, age and functional traits on regrowth of arable weeds after cutting. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, Special Issue 21, 493-500
16. PUILLET, L., MARTIN, P., TICHIT, M., SAUVANT, D. Simple representation of physiological regulations in a model of lactating female: applications to the dairy goat. Animal. 2008, 2, 2, 235-246.)
17. PEREZ-RAMIREZ, E., DELAGARDE, R., DELABY, L. Herbage intake and behavioural adaptation of grazing dairy cows by restricting time at pasture under two feeding regimes. Animal, In press)
18. STERNALSKI, A., BAVOUX, C., BURNELEAU, G. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. In press. Philopatry, natal and postnatal dispersal in a sedentary population of Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus. Journal of Zoology.
19. BARBARO, L., COUZI, L., BRETAGNOLLE, V., NEZAN, J., & VETILLARD, F. In Press. Landscape complementation between breeding and foraging habitats for the declining hoopoe Upupa epops in pine plantation forests. Biodiversity and Conservation.
20. BADENHAUSSER, I., AMOUROUX, P, AND BRETAGNOLLE, V. In Press. Estimating Grasshopper Densities in Grassland Habitats: a Comparison Between Presence/Absence and Abundance Data. Environmental Entomology.
21. HARDOUIN, L. ROBERT, D. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. In press. Observational and experimental evidence for dusk chorus effect in a nocturnal bird supports the mate and rival assessment function. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology.
22. MILLON, A., ARROYO, B.E. and BRETAGNOLLE, V. In press. Variation in breeding success for a specialist predator: empirical and experimental evidences under highly variable natural prey availability. Journal of Zoology.
23. MILLON, A. and BRETAGNOLLE, V. Predator population dynamics under cyclic prey regime: numerical responses, demographic parameters and growth rates. Oikos.
24. INCHAUSTI P & BALLESTEROS S 2008. Intuition, functional responses and the formulation of predator-prey models when there is a large disparity in the spatial domains of the interacting species. J Anim Ecol in press.
25. BADENHAUSSER, I., AMOUROUX, P., LERIN, J., BRETAGNOLLE, V. Estimating Acridid (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Abundance in European Grassland Habitats: Sampling Methodology and Sampling Issue Due to Temporal Variation. Soumis à Entomologia experimentalis et applicata

2. Publications dans des revues sans comité
26. BRETAGNOLLE, V. & HOUTE, S. 2005. Enjeux de biodiversité en céréaliculture intensive : diagnostic, actions et prospectives pour les oiseaux de plaine. (H. Décamps : Agriculture et Biodiversité). Académie d'Agriculture de France 91 (3) : 3-12.
27. BADENHAUSSER, I. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2005. Grasshopper abundance in grassland habitats in Western France, pp. 445-448. In Lillak, R. Viiralt, A. Linke and V. Geherman (eds.), Integrating Efficient Grassland Farming and Biodiversity, vol. 10. Grassland Science in Europe.
28. JOLIVET, C., BIZET, D., WOLFF, A. & BRETAGNOLLE, V. 2007. Statut de l'outarde canepetière en France en 2004 et mesures de conservation. ORNITHOS 14 : 80-94
29. AUGIRON S., JACOB H., JACOB N., STERNALSKI A. Nidification atypique du Busard des roseaux Circus aeruginosus dans les bois de l'île de Ré. Alauda. 2007, 75, (2), 181-183)
30. LEMAIRE G. Interactions entre systèmes fourragers et systèmes de grandes cultures à l'échelle d'un territoire. Intérêts pour l'environnement. Fourrages. 2007, n°189, pp 19-32.

3. Communication à des congrès, symposiums
3.1. Colloques internationaux
2008 - GAUFFRE, B., ESTOUP, A ., BRETAGNOLLE, V., COSSON, J.-F. Spatial genetic structure of a small rodent in a heterogeneous landscape. Annual Meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2008), Barcelona, 5-8 june 2008.
2008 - BADENHAUSSER, I., MEDIENE, S., PARIS LE CLERC, N., BRETAGNOLLE, V. Effects of agri-environnemental agreements on acridids and plant species richness in alfalfa crops. 22st International Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Uppsala, Sweden, 9-12 June 2008.
2008 - EMILE, J.C., JACOBS DIAS, F., AL RIFAI, M., LE ROY, P., FAVERDIN, P. Triticale and mixtures silages for feeding dairy cows. Proceedings of the 22nd General meeting of the European Grassland federation, Uppsala, Sweden, Grassland Science in Europe.
2008 - P. HAVLIK, L. BAMIERE, F. JACQUET AND G. MILLET. Spatially explicit farming system modelling for an efficient agri-environmental policy design. Soumis à la 16th EAERE (European Association of environmental and resource economists) Annual Conference, June 25-28, 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2008 - HAVLIK, P., BAMIERE, L., JACQUET, F., MILLET, G. Spatially explicit farming system modelling for an efficient agri-environmental policy design. 107th EAAE Seminar « Modeling of agricultural and rural development policies. Sevilla, Spain, January 29th-Frebruary 1st.
2008 - MÉDIÈNE S. Analysis of weed diversity in alfalfa (Medicago sativa). 22st International Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Uppsala, Sweden, 9-12 June 2008.
2008 - MEISS, H.; MUNIER-JOLAIN, N.; HENRIOT, F. & CANEILl, J. Effects of biomass, age and functional traits on regrowth of arable weeds after cutting. In 24th German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control, Hohenheim, Allemagne -- Communication
2008 - MICHAUD, A., HAVET, A., MATHIEU, A. Reverting to grazing: farmers' conceptions. Proceedings of the 22nd General meeting of the European Grassland federation, Uppsala, Sweden, 9-12 June 2008.
2008 - PUILLET, L., SAUVANT, D., TICHIT, M. In Herd diversity of lifetime performances : a key for the sustainability of livestock farming system based on grassland. IGC_IRC 2008 International IGC-IRC Congress 2008, Hothot, China.
2008 - PUILLET, L., TICHIT, M., MARTIN, O., TESSIER, J., SAUVANT, D. Identifying priorities among physiological functions : interactions between growth, pregnancy and lactation in dairy goat. EAAP Seminar 59th EAAP congress, Vilnius, 24-27 August 2008. )
2007 - MEISS, H.; WALDHARDT, R.; GASQUEZ, J.; V., B.; MUNIER-JOLAIN, N. M. & CANEILL, J. Weed abundance may be reduced in crop rotations including temporary grasslands, in '37th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria (GfÖ)', Marburg, Allemagne -- Affiche
2007 - PETIT, C. & DARMENCY, H. Biology of fragmented and depleted populations of cornflower (Centaurea cyanus L.), in '14th EWRS Symposium', Hamar, Norvège - Affiche
2007- PUILLET L., MARTIN O., TICHIT M., SAUVANT D. A simple modelling approach of regulations in energy partition for lactating female: application to the dairy goat. 58th EAAP Proceedings, Dublin, 27-29 Aout 2007.)
2007 - TICHIT M., PUILLET, L., SAUVANT D. Modelling livestock farming systems: what have we learned and where do we go from here? 6th International seminar FAO-CIHEAM Network on sheep and goats, Ponte de Lima, Portugal, 15-17th November 2007.
2006 - EMILE, J. C., AL RIFAI, M., CHARRIER, X., LEROY, P., BARRIERE, Y. Grain sorghum silages as an alternative to irrigated maize silage. Proceedings of the 21th General meeting of the European Grassland federation, Badajoz, Grassland Science in Europe, 11, 80-82.)
2006 - PEREZ-RAMIREZ, E., DELAGARDE, R., DELABY, L., Effects of grazing access time and silage supplementation on performance and feeding behaviour in grazing dairy cows. Proceedings of the 21th General meeting of the European Grassland federation, Badajoz, Grassland Science in Europe, 11, 47-49. )
2005 - BADENHAUSSER, I., BRETAGNOLLE, V. Grasshopper abundance in grassland habitats in Western France. 21th International Symposium of European Grassland Federation, Tartu, Estonia, 29-31 August.

3.2. Colloques nationaux
2008 - GAUFFRE, B., BRODIER, S ., COSSON, J.-F., BRETAGNOLLE, V. Social organization, breeding pattern and dispersal in the common vole. 4th meeting in Ecology and Behaviour, Toulouse, 14-17 avril 2008.
2008- DELAGARDE R, PEREZ-RAMIREZ E, DELABY L, PEYRAUD JL. Adaptation comportementale et ingestion des vaches laitières soumises à une restriction du temps d'accès journalier au pâturage. Journées 3R 2008, Paris 3-4/12/08
2008 - EMILE, J.C., AL RIFAI, M., DELAGARDE, R. Le pâturage d'une céréale en fin d'hiver permet d'avancer la mise à l'herbe en troupeau laitier. Journées 3R 2008, Paris 3-4/12/08
2008 - GUICHARD, L. PERSYST -Un outil d'évaluation des performances agronomiques et environnementales des systèmes de culture. SCID Mars 2008.
2008 - MATHIEU, A., MICHAUD, A., HAVET, A. Farmers' view on the reintroduction of grazing for dairy cows in the Niort plain (France). IFSA
2008 - TICHIT M., PUILLET, L., SAUVANT D. Why should we use models in livestock farming system research? Overview of recent advances. Options Méditerranénennes)
2007 - AL RIFAI, M., MORISSEAU, D., EMILE, J.C., BARRIERE, Y. Variabilité génétique du sorgho grain pour la production d'ensilage. Actes du Séminaire AFPF - Productions fourragères et adaptations à la sécheresse. 27 et 28 Mars 2007 pp 188-189)
2007 - CHAUVEL, B.; CADET, E.; STRBIK, F. & DESSAINT, F. Flore des champs et flore des marges, in 'Ecoveg 3: Ecologie des Communautés Végétales', Bordeaux, France -- Affiche
2007 - EMILE, J.C., AL RIFAI, M, LE ROY, P., JACOBS DIAS, F., RUBIN, B. Des stocks fourragers pour économiser l'eau dans les systèmes fourragers laitiers de Poitou-Charentes. Actes du Séminaire AFPF - Productions fourragères et adaptations à la sécheresse. 27 et 28 Mars 2007 pp192-193.)
2007 - EMILE, J.C., AL RIFAI, M, LAURENT, M., BOSSIS, N. Maximiser le pâturage pour économiser l'eau dans les systèmes fourragers laitiers de Poitou-Charentes. Actes du Séminaire AFPF - Productions fourragères et adaptations à la sécheresse. 27 et 28 Mars 2007 pp 190-191)
2007 - GOUAT, M., BADENHAUSSER, I., BRETAGNOLLE, V. Grasshoppers facing tractor: do dispersal abilities matter? Poster aux Rencontres Ecologie et Comportement, SERL, Montpellier, 13-16 mars 2007.
2007 - HAVET, A., MARTIN, P., LELAURE, B., LAURENT, M. L'eau, principal facteur d'évolution des fonctionnements d'exploitations laitières en Plaine de Niort. Actes du Séminaire AFPF - Productions fourragères et adaptations à la sécheresse. 27 et 28 Mars 2007 pp 180-181.
2007 - JACOBS DIAS, F., EMILE, J.C., AL RIFAI, M., DELAGARDE, R. Pâturer du triticale en fin d'hiver pour économiser de l'eau. Actes du Séminaire AFPF - Productions fourragères et adaptations à la sécheresse. 27 et 28 Mars 2007 pp 194-195.)
2007 - LAURENT, M., BOSSIS, N., GOMAS, A.L., LEMAIRE, G., RUBIN, B. Accompagnement d'agriculteurs du sud des Deux-Sèvres qui font évoluer leur système pour l'adapter à la sécheresse et maintenir les prairies. Actes du Séminaire AFPF - Productions fourragères et adaptations à la sécheresse. 27 et 28 Mars 2007 pp 184-185.
2007 - PUILLET, L., MARTIN, O., TESSIER, J., SAUVANT, D. Modélisation des courbes de lactation chez la chèvre laitière. Rencontres rech. Ruminants, 5 et 6 Décembre 2007, p 105)
2006 - DESSAINT, F.; GRELET, L.; DENIS, A.; CHAUVEL, B.; INCHAUSTI, P. & GASQUEZ, J. Diversité spatiale de la flore adventice à l'échelle d'un paysage agricole, in '3ième Journées de l'Association Française d'Ecologie du Paysage, IALE 2006 ", Rennes, France - Affiche
2006 - DESSAINT, F.; GRELET, L.; DENIS, A.; CHAUVEL, B.; INCHAUSTI, P. & GASQUEZ, J. (2006). Diversité spatiale de la flore adventice à l'échelle d'un paysage agricole, in '3ième Journées de l'Association Française d'Ecologie du Paysage, IALE 2006 ", Rennes, France -- Affiche
2006 - EMILE, J.C., BOSSIS, N., AL RIFAI, M. Pour des économies ‘énergie dans les systèmes fourragers laitiers de Poitou-Charentes. Actes des Journées AFPF - Prairies, élevage, consommation d'énergie et GES, 27-28 Mars 2006. pp 180-181.)
2005 - EMILE, J.C., CHARRIER, X., DO NASCIMENTO, W.G., BARRIERE, Y. Utilisation d'ensilage de sorgho plante entière pour l'alimentation des vaches laitières. Rencontres rech. Ruminants, 2005, p. 209)
2005 - BRETAGNOLLE, V & HOUTE, S. Conservation de la Biodiversité dans les écosystèmes céréaliers ». Académie des Sciences de l'Agriculture.

Autres publications:
2008 - CHAMBRE D'AGRICULTURE 79. La luzerne. Fiche
(2007 - EMILE, J.C. Pâturer du triticale en hiver. La France Agricole, 42.)
2008 - fiche de synthèse des suivis luzerne réalisés en 2007 (4 pages).

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